Basic Rental Criteria Includes But Is Not Limited To: 


Applications are to be completed by every prospective occupant

18 years of age or older without exception.  


All applicants must fill out their application legibly, accurately and completely. 


Evictions and Rent Related Debt will result in an automatic denial. 


Falsified Application, Income or Rental Documentation will result in an automatic denial.


Total combined incomes should equal 2.5 x's the monthly rental rate. 


Current and previous rental history must be verifiable and confirm a good standing.


Applicants credit report shall be free of collection accounts.


A non-refundable $25.00 application fee is required with each application submitted.




A copy of the applicants credit history will be obtained through Equifax Credit Bureau and reviewed.

Our Residents Are The Heart Of Village Green


Communities are neighbors, peers, family, friends & co-workers.

Having the shared values of respect, kindness and thoughtfulness

are what binds us together and makes us stronger.